Oct 18, 2019 By NetFin

How to set up a WeChat business account might be your first step to a new Marketing era in China. But after this, having good results for your brand will depend entirely on you and the WeChat content marketing .

So here we offer you some tips to achieve your highest results.



  • Always keep in mind who are your users and what are they interested in. Loyalty in WeChat might not be as common as it on Facebook. So you need to keep it clear who follows you and give them what they are looking for.
  • The best content is the one that is useful, relevant and authentic. The majority of WeChat users showed that “useful content” is the one they are willing to share.
  • Keep your content consistently good. If the quality of your content is not consistent users can easily stop following or sharing you. So be regular.
  • When you write your content use the appropriate tone that will resonate with your users.
  • Video content has gained a lot of popularity. It is more expensive to create but if your budget allows it, go for it. This will make you stand out from your competitors.
  • If you can’t hire a PR agency to write contents for you, there are some articles that are called “Original Content” which you are allowed to share. You can find some good ones in sites like and

  • Plan your content at least a month in advance.
  • Ensure your content is posted consistently, at most, one message per day. The best time to do it is on week-ends and early morning for the majority of the cases. Check when your competition is posting and post when it is on the lowest level.


Remember WeChat users have universe of accounts willing to offer them a service. So be sure to be original, authentic, and useful and give your users the WeChat content they are looking for.


NetFin Marketing team can assist you in your Wechat Account Management by organizing, creating, editing and posting your WeChat contents. Please contact us for more information.

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