Opening A WeChat Official Account
Jun 25, 2017 By NetFin
1) What are the different type of WeChat accounts ? Personal Account :
- Only possible to share post in own friends moment
- Wechat Group limited to 500 members and number of followers limited to 5000
Wechat Service Account :
- Possible to create own mini-site page
- Possible to post 4 contents per month
- Possible to do Wechat advertising after account verification
- Possible to drive traffic to home website or landing page
- Wechat account can be followed by unlimited number of followers
- Post appearing in main pages of followers
Wechat Subscription account :
- Possible create own mini-site page
- Possible to post 1 content per day
- Possible to do Wechat advertising after account verification
- Possible to drive traffic to home website or landing page
- Wechat account can be followed by unlimited number of followers
2) Are Foreign individual or Foreign Company allowed to have a WeChat account?
- Only people who have a China ID and a China business registration license can apply for a Wechat account (personal/service account/subscription account)
3) What documents are required? Documents needed: (Only if have a China ID or a China business registration license)
- Business license (scanned copy of the original)
- Company organization code certificate (scanned copy of the original)
- Company taxpayer identification number
- Company phone number
- Company bank name
- Company bank address
- Company bank account number
- Enterprise as legal person
- Chinese ID
- A phone number in China
- Logo 360px * 360px
4) What are the cost?
- Opening an account is free of charge
- Account verification : 300 CNY (46 USD) per year
5) What is Wechat mini-site?
- It is a mini website with few fields, and each field ca carrying few sub fields.
- You can put your company information, products information and homepage website on the mini-site.
6) What are the information and photo format for setting up your profile? Logo on the Wechat account: Suggestion : 360px*360px Text: From 600 to 800 Chinese characters / content. English equivalent = 300-400 English words Pictures: Max 2 MB Suggestion: 900px * 500px 7) Which industry are sensitive and might have issues in opening a Wechat account?
- Medical
- Finance
- Education
- Media
- Betting