Mar 01, 2018 By NetFin

Galeries Lafayette, the famous French department store, is offering to its Chinese clients the option to use the most popular mobile payment methods in China, Wechat Pay.
This is the French bank BNP Paribas that has taken the initiative and has indeed given us a good lesson on how to use Wechat for business: offering the payment solution Wechat Pay, first in France and then in Europe.
Wechat (Weixin in Chinese) is a filiale of Tencent, main internet company in China.
This is a voice and texting messenger application that allows as well audio and video calls.
It is very popular in China where there are more than 600 millions users.
Since 2012, Wechat has some branches abroad, especially in India.

Wechat has developped a mobile payment method in China, WeChat Pay which is very successful.
From now on, it is possible to do a lot of things with Wechat: chatting with friends and family, booking a taxi, paying an electricity or restaurant bill , booking a medical appointment, having your own mini-site (more popular than having a website).
For businesses, there are plenty of way how to use Wechat for business or to do some WeChat marketing.
Wechat has indeed become a combination of Facebook, Instagram, Paypal, e-Bay and others.
In 2015, a study was already showing that 68.8% of people in China had processed a mobile payment in a shop via Wechat Pay.
Behind Galeries Lafayette, other department stores and luxury groups have started testing using Wechat and could soon propose Wechat Pay to their clients in Europe.
The BNP Paribas and Galeries Lafayette’s initiative is a good opportunity to show how Chinese people are eager to use new technologies.