Oct 02, 2017 By NetFin

The Internet world leading companies mostly coming from US are experiencing an increasing competition from China.
Chinese internet companies are narrowing their gap with their international conterpart and have a bright future.
Stock Exchange Valuation (in September 2017 ( in Billion USD)

On the Financial part, the BAT (Baidu, Alibaba ad Tencent) have growth rates much higher that the GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple) and their valuation are getting closer to the one from the American giants, thanks to higher stocks values..
Revenues (in Billions USD)

In few years only, the Chinese internet has conquered millions of internet consumers and has managed to even overtake the world leaders. Alibaba and its China e-commerce platforms TaoBao and TMall have indeed now more users than Amazon.
The China Social Media Marketing Platforms WeChat and QQ gather almost as many users (963 Millions for Wechat, 877 Millions for QQ) in China than Facebook for the rest of the world (1200 Millions users)
Number of Internet users in China (in Millions)

(source: “Le Monde” French newspaper on 22nd September 2017)
The China Search Engine Baidu has 665 Millions users when Google gathers 2 Billions users.
Figures become even more impressive when it comes to China e-commerce platforms: TaoBao and TMall have almost twice as many users (529 Millions) than Amazon (300 Millions)
The significant improvement in market share of those Chinese Giants have been helped by a strong national presence and by a dynamic market: the number of internet users in China has been multiply by seven in 10 years.
The progression is not yet finished as only one Chinese out of two has access to internet today.