Aug 18, 2017 By NetFin
Desperate to find an access to Chinese market, Facebook has discretely launched a new App using its technology, but under another name
The biggest names of world internet really have problems penetrating the lucrative China internet market.
Facebook is banned in China since 2009.
Since then, together with Google, Youtube or Instagram, the firm from San Francisco is obsessed by this question: how to be present again in this market of over 1.4 billion consumers and to profit from attractive revenues from the Internet Marketing in China?
For now, China Social Media Marketing revenues are controlled mostly by Wechat, Sina Weibo and Youku.

According to New York times, the social network has found a first answer : making some low profile tests using an application called “colourful balloons” “ a mini social network focused on photo, using algorithm from Facebook and developed locally, without mentioning its linked to Mark Zuckenberg’s network.
This application allows sharing photos albums with your contacts, and classifying those automatically according to the location, time or topics grouped by automatic facial recognition. In short, all the Facebook functions dedicated to Photos and called Moments.

“This is not only an Business issue, it is Politics” as a Chinese Professor in Management Strategy explained it to The Times
It is ignored at the moment if Beijing has been informed of the entry by Facebook into China but it could be a costly for Facebook. Indeed Chinese authorities’ like to keep full control of communication tools offered to its population and are always suspicious of foreign operators.

Mark Zuckenberg doesn’t hide his ambition to come back to China.
He is married to a Chinese, came to China often and has met few of its leaders.
He has also learned Chinese and. Above all, wants a share of Digital Marketing in China.